Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Bush is finally declared CRAZY: North American Union
So instead of Mexico developing and paying for their own welfare system (BADLY NEEDED), why don't Americans just pay for it? I mean, we are already in excessive amounts of debt from the American welfare state that we can not afford, why don't we add more billions of billions of dollars on top of that by taking care of Mexico and Canada as well?! And while we are at it, after Bush ruins America by the time he is out of office, why don't we universalize health care too just to pour vinegar in the wounds with Obama or Hillary?
They love "change", but the only type of change they like is the kind that comes straight from the taxpayers pockets to fund their communist policies that will ruin America.
And if you want to see our recession really progress, support our awful amnesty-loving president (and Bush 2.0, aka McCain)
...God Bless America...
Saturday, April 12, 2008
This is one of the best movies I have ever seen.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
FrontPage Magazine Highlights UM YAF Chapter Participation in the National Radical Islam Awareness Week
*Young Americans for Freedom, NOT Young America's Foundation
*Event will take place TOMORROW
(they are fixing these mistakes)
The University of Michigan
David Horowitz will be speaking at the University of Michigan tonight*. The campus chapter of Young America’s Foundation* will follow David’s speech tonight with a showing of Obsession on Thursday.
Sarah Ledford, a junior at UM, said YAF is working to host this week’s activities with the assistance of the College Republicans and Israel IDEA, the Israeli activist group on campus. Ledford said she first came to admire David Horowitz after reading his expose of academic malpractice, The Professors.
Ledford said she has tried to be sensitive toward the Detroit-area campus’ large Arab and Muslim population. Ledford described her approach as “extremely Politically Correct.” On campus, IFAW is being called National Radical Islam Awareness Week, “just to emphasize the difference.”
“I’ve been making it very clear to them that we’re only talking about radical Islam, how they’re twisting peaceful Islam to try to destroy the West, Israel, and America,” she said. “I’ve been consistent in telling people that we’re only talking about radicals. If they don’t listen, then they don’t care about our intentions; then they condemn what we’re saying because they disagree with us.”
The approach has won her few friends, though. MSA activists “really don’t like our group,” she stated. No stranger to controversy, the University of Michigan chapter of YAF brought ex-Muslim “infidel” Walid Shoebat to campus last February.
During last year’s IFAW, the group watched as MSA members attempted to sabotage the event. Radical Muslims and leftist activists wore colored shirts in solidarity with YAF’s alleged victims and flooded the room where IFAW speakers were gathered. “They took up seats so others couldn’t get in or see,” Ledford recalled. “We had to turn people away. Then they got up and walked out.” But she said non-leftist students are used to opposition on campus. “Since we’re a conservative group on campus, we’re not generally accepted. People call us a hate group and racists, etc.”
Ledford said she and other students have promoted the event to remind people of the tragedies extremist ideologies create. They covered campus with “stickers that they can’t peel off” that depict the Twin Towers with a grenade next to them. Near them is the slogan, “Be Aware of Radical Islam.” Ledford explained, “We’ve been trying to put the Twin Towers everywhere to remind people what this is all about.”
Monday, April 7, 2008
National Radical Islam Week at University of Michigan
Acclaimed Activist David Horowitz and Obsession Documentary Visit Campus
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI
This week hundreds of University student groups across the nation will be sponsoring National Radical Islam Awareness Week. To promote the week at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, the UM Young Americans for Freedom chapter will be bringing the acclaimed American foreign policy writer and activist David Horowitz to speak at the Modern Languages Building Wednesday April 9th. His controversial writings include Why are we in Iraq and Why some Americans Want us to Lose the War, and Unholy Alliance, Radical Islam and the American Left.
According to the Chair of Young Americans for Freedom, Engineering Junior Sarah Ledford, the focus of the campaign will be “to educate students about the genocidal agendas of the global jihadists and the fact that their radical ideas are far more main-stream in the Muslim world today than most Americans are willing to believe.”
Along with Horowitz, YAF will be showcasing the controversial documentary Obsession: Radical Islam’s War Against the West” the next night in the Natural Science Auditorium. This documentary, which TV host Glenn Beck describes as “without exaggeration one of the most important films of our time,” draws parallels between 1930s Nazi Germany and the current situation in the Middle East.
“We would like to expand the scope of discussion about the situation in the Middle East because this campus really only promotes one viewpoint on the subject. We consider Mr. Horowitz and Obsession to be excellent counters to the bias towards this War by students and many faculty members.”
In 2002, David Horowitz visited this University shortly after the terrorist attacks of September 11th. Over 1,000 students, administrators, and community members gathered to hear him speak about the jihadist threat to America. In addition the “Three Ex-Terrorists” event YAF hosted just last year brought much controversy due to the large liberal bias against YAF for being a conservative student group.
Ledford emphasizes, “The purpose of the week is not to degrade or insult the peaceful religion of Islam, but rather educate Americans of the extremists that are twisting the religion for their genocidal plan against Israel and the West.”
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
John Stossel Speaker Event

Date: Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Time: 12:30pm - 2:00pm
Location: University of Michigan - Palmer Commons - Forum Hall
John Stossel joined the ABC news magazine, "20/20," in 1981. He began doing one-hour primetime specials in 1994.
Stossel's first special, "Are We Scaring Ourselves To Death?," examined exaggerated fears over risks such as crime and pollution. It was followed by "The Blame Game," which looked at Americans' growing tendency to blame their misfortunes on others.
He looked at gender differences in "Boys and Girls Are Different," the mechanics of mating in "Love, Lust, and Marriage," and the science behind happiness for "The Mystery of Happiness." He examined bogus lawsuits in "The Trouble With Lawyers" and bogus scientific claims in "Junk Science: What You Know That May Not Be So." "Freeloaders" focused on how getting "something for nothing" appeals to all of us, including rich people who use the power of government to help themselves. "Greed" offered a positive perspective on enlightened self-interest, challenging conventional wisdom on how we view businessmen, philanthropy and the social impact of such individuals as Michael Milken and Mother Teresa. Stossel openly questioned why Americans are routinely jailed for voluntarily participating in the so-called "consensual crimes" in "Sex, Drugs and Consenting Adults."
The specials, which have consistently rated among the top news programs when broadcast, have earned Stossel uncommon praise: "the most consistently thought-provoking TV reporter of our time" (Dallas Morning News), "has the gift for entertaining while saying something profound" (Orlando Sentinel).
Recently for "20/20," Stossel has reported on a case of alleged sexual misconduct at Brown University, on teens who suffer from Tourette's syndrome, on women -- some in apparently happy marriages -- who discover later in life that they are lesbians; and on why many Americans younger than 35 believe that the Social Security system will not exist when they face retirement. In a new segment for "20/20," "Give Me a Break," Stossel has taken skeptical looks at people who want to censor cartoons, regulate flagpoles, and have Congress rule on what prices are "fair."
Stossel has received 19 Emmy Awards. He has been honored five times for excellence in consumer reporting by the National Press Club. Among his other awards are the George Polk Award for Outstanding Local Reporting and the George Foster Peabody Award.
In his early years at ABC, Stossel served as consumer editor at "Good Morning America." Prior to that, he was consumer editor for WCBS-TV in New York City. He began as a researcher for KGW-TV in Portland, Oregon. He is a 1969 graduate of Princeton University with a B.A. in psychology.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Message from Leon Drolet and the Michigan Taxpayers Alliance

My name is Leon Drolet, a former Michigan State Representative and a veteran Ron Paul volunteer dating back to his 1996 run for Congress, who is thrilled with the momentum generated by Ron's presidential run. It stands as a sign that the American spirit has not been crushed by our dysfunctional political system.
If you are like me, then you are also wondering "what now"? How do we keep this momentum moving forward? What can we do to re-assert control over our wayward government?
I don't have all the answers. I don’t know how to get us out of the war or how to fix federal immigration policy. But I do know how we can fight for liberty locally, here in Michigan.
Politicians are primarily concerned about one thing - staying in office. They will not listen to us one bit until we can threaten their hold on power. That is why I founded the Michigan Taxpayers Alliance to fight the Lansing status quo. We knew that Granholm and her cronies would try to raise taxes, and we needed a way to fight back.
Despite our best efforts and all the logic in the world, Lansing imposed an 12% income tax hike and 22% business tax increase at a time when Michigan's average household income fell again last year and our home values continue to plummet.
We need to show the politicians that we will NOT take this abuse of our liberty and livelihood any longer. That is why citizens have risen up to recall Granholm's primary henchman in the State House, Speaker Andy Dillon (D-Redford). Granholm may be the bigger target, but recalling her would require gathering 1.4 million signatures in three months. Recalling Speaker Dillon only takes 8,720 signatures from his district in three months.
Recalling Speaker Dillon for his tax-hiking ways would send a clear message to Lansing: stealing more of our money is not acceptable, and politicians will be held accountable. In 1983, the last time Lansing tried an income tax hike, two state senators were recalled. Immediately after those recalls, the legislature rushed to undo the tax hike. That is how much they fear a motivated citizenry.
The people of Redford and Dearborn Heights are fighting for recall petition signatures every day, but they need our help. The establishment will use any means to preserve their power. Dillon's friends in the Redford Twp. government send police to harass our petition circulators, and have hired professional "blockers" to scare citizens away from signing.
There are things that everyone can do, including you. Will you help recall Michigan House Speaker Andy Dillon? The citizens working on Dillon's recall need your help to make Andy Dillon the first Speaker ever recalled from office in U.S. history. It would send shockwaves and a powerful message through the Lansing establishment.
I am asking that you make a financial contribution to the recall campaign. But first, check us out on the web at www.michiganrecalls.com and www.mitaxpayers.org. Also, go ahead and 'Google' the Michigan Taxpayers Alliance. You will see that we are pretty universally despised by big government apologists of any political party.
You can donate securely online at www.michiganrecalls.com, or send a check to Michigan Recalls, 46116 Lookout Drive, Macomb, MI 48044.
The restoration of liberty can only happen when politicians are humble again. I very much hope that you are willing to help.
I am hopeful for a response and thank you for your support, time and support of Ron Paul.
Leon Drolet
Treasurer - Michigan Recalls
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Refuse to Be A Campus Victim Event

We owe a lot to the American founding founders; they instituted a Constitution that has kept America the brightest beacon of freedom in the world.
But why was the right to bear arms so important to them? They understood that the 2nd Amendment was necessary to keeping America a free country ran by the people and it is the only physical means to which the people can keep a check on the government.
Can you even imagine the reaction of the fathers if 20 years before the Revolution, the British began declaring “gun free zones” or throwing in jail law-abiding Americans for just walking with a gun? But that is what is happening today.
It would have been a lot easier for the British to keep their dictator-like rule if they had implemented gun restrictions over the Americans. It would have made the Revolution physically impossible.
Today, who’s to say our next president will not restrict all gun rights to citizens and then declare a dictatorship once in power? We would have no way of fighting back.
Unfortunately we can already see the impact of gun free zones in our classrooms; undefended people are regrettably easy targets. However, would a gunman enter a classroom filled with armed citizens?
The Young Americans for Freedom and College Libertarians present:
Do not only be aware of the violence, but defend yourself against it.
How can we prevent college classroom shootings?
Rapes? Abuse? Violence against Women?
The National Rifle Association NRA will facilitate a discussion on the common forms of violence that occurs on college campuses and the techniques we can use to prevent it.
Know how you can use your 2nd Amendment Right and other defense strategies to protect yourself.
When: Thursday, March 6, 6:30 PM
Where: 1401 Mason Hall, U of M Campus
Friday, February 22, 2008

They were going to protest Michigan voters passing Proposal 2 and that U of M can no longer discriminate in admissions and give 2.8 GPA HS kids scholarships to attend, while declining 4.0 students for not looking a certain way.
However, once they realized that YAF would be protesting them, they quickly realized they needed to cancel. There would be more protesters than actual attendees to their event.
PS: Admissions office, why is it taking you so long to "fudge" your admissions data?
YAF and Michigan Voters = +1
BAMN and U of M Administration = 0
Tuesday, February 19, 2008

HAVANA (AP) -- An ailing, 81-year-old Fidel Castro resigned as Cuba's president Tuesday after nearly a half-century in power, saying he will not accept a new term when parliament meets Sunday.
The end of Castro's rule - the longest in the world for a head of government - frees his 76-year-old brother Raul to implement reforms he has hinted at since taking over as acting president when Fidel Castro fell ill in July 2006. President Bush said he hopes the resignation signals the beginning of a democratic transition.
Bush, traveling in Rwanda, pledged to "help the people of Cuba realize the blessings of liberty."
"The international community should work with the Cuban people to begin to build institutions that are necessary for democracy," he said. "Eventually, this transition ought to lead to free and fair elections - and I mean free, and I mean fair - not these kind of staged elections that the Castro brothers try to foist off as true democracy."
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Ron Paul Update after Romney Drops Out
He mentions in the video that it is now the time to have a major public outcry against the direction that this country is being taken. He gives the idea of a March in Washington DC showing the public support for Ron Paul and the ideas that he represents.
Ron Paul represents the true patriotism that remains in the Republican Party.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Mitt Romney Drops out of Presidential Race
Now only McCain, Huckabee, and Ron Paul remain. Now all we can hope for is for Paul to remain strong and be seen as a beacon of light, the only hope left for the Republican Party.
I am disappointed because I would have voted for Romney any day above McCain. Either Ron Paul or Huckabee need to seriously pull together and win this race, or the Republican Party will surely be pulled apart. Unquestionably McCain is the most liberal of any of the past and present nominees. If McCain wins, the only choice America will have in this race is "which liberal should I vote for?" Then, we know the conservative movement has failed, and the left-wingers have truly infiltrated and destroyed our party.
Honestly Romney, you are still a conservative!...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Happy Birthday Ronald Reagan!
The Michigan Daily, Letter to the Editor
Honoring the Great President Ronald Reagan
Today is the birthday of one of the greatest Americans of our time, President Ronald Reagan. As Dinesh D’Souza puts it, Reagan was a cheerful, forward looking man who always appreciated the effectiveness of humor. But beneath his jovial nature, Reagan was a determined president and was not afraid to take on the biggest idea of the twentieth century, collectivism. When he first became president, Reagan sought to stop the growth of the welfare state at home, and dismantle the Soviet empire abroad, and he did. Not many people believed he could do it, they thought that the communist regime was unstoppable, but Reagan was the first to say “Government is not the solution. Government is the problem”.
Because of the Reagan Administration’s policies and decisions regarding cutting taxes in the 80’s, America saw an economic boom and the annual deficit had not only vanished, but their was a surplus in the budget! Many claim this is because of the Clinton Administration, but did Clinton really have anything to do with the boom? Nope, it was the economic growth stemming from policies in the Reagan Era that proved to be a tax boom for the treasury.
Reagan today is seen as the hero of the conservative movement. He was successful because he was confident and stood firm on his moral grounds, he did not let the “rough political waters” of Washington dismantle him. He also did not care what the elite culture said about him, he did not wish to win their approval, the only people he needed to satisfy was the American people.
Ronald Reagan, thank you for winning the cold war. Thank you for reviving the American economy and American spirit.
Sarah Ledford
University of Michigan Young Americans for Freedom
Sunday, February 3, 2008
McCain is more Liberal than Hillary??
Saturday, January 26, 2008
WTF!??!?!?! Mexican Government paying for Pro-Amnesty Advertisements in the US
If this doesn't outrage you, I don't know what kind of American you are.
America is the Mexican Government's Welfare Solution! Why WHOULDN'T they want Amnesty? A few million dollars on an advertisement campaign is a cheap solution compared to if they actually had a program in their country to take care of their poverty problem! Mexicans would not be running over here risking their life just to work if they weren't seriously desperate for money and a better life! Who would want to leave their home and risk their life crossing a desert?
The solution is with the Mexican Government taking care of their poverty problem, not Amnesty in the US. It is a band-aid for the real problem.
Open your eyes people.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
BAMN "Rally" in Ann Arbor
Last year, UM YAF courageously stood up against BAMN and their blatant disregard for the majority of Michigan voters desire to end racial preferences, quotas and reverse discrimination by protesting their senseless rally. 90% of the BAMNers were school children, promised candy and pizza paid for by tax dollars to wave their arms around for a cause they do not understand. I held a sign with the famous MLK quote "They will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character", and I asked a little girl "Do you understand what this means? Do you even know why you are here?" and a BAMN member yelled to the girl "Don't listen to that white lady!!!", and they would not let her hear anything I said. The girl looked at me like I was vermon. Just for my skin color being different than hers, it wasn't the "right" color for them.
Now this is what they are fighting for?
BAMN held another "rally" this year, and I went to investigate. There were no drums or megaphones. I kept checking my watch to see if I had the wrong time, but no, it was noon. There was no one on campus, except some lone students walking back from the library. One thing is certain: BAMN has lost all momentum, they are done, Michigan Voters have scored a victory. BAMN couldn't even bribe the school children with pizza to march.
Want to stop gun violence? Make a GUN FREE ZONE!!.....
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Abortionist Murdering Babies, Continued
Some good comments came back from this topic, so I am addressing them in another post. Here is some exerpts:
Now, suppose the sperm fertilizes the egg. It still takes three weeks before the brain, heart, and spinal cord of the embryo develops (The details of fetal development can be found at http://health.allrefer.com/health/fetal-development-info.html) During the first three weeks, would terminating the pregnancy be an act of killing or a termination of the process that starts life (similar to the example I expressed in the previous paragraph)? After all, we’re still at the very beginning stages of development, so early in the development process that even the embryo’s vital organs have not formed. Would it be unreasonable to allow these three weeks as a grace period to allow for an abortion for those who do not wish to be parents?
You could argue that life has begun in the first three weeks, so yes, you may say that it is killing, and that would be a valid idea. However, others may have the view that life begins after the formation of the major organs, and I think this is also a valid idea.
Your last point addresses that that zygote’s DNA is separate than that of the mother’s…therefore, it is not part of the mother’s “body”. This is one way of looking at the argument, but there is another way you could look at it.
During the period of time that the fetus is in the womb, the mother’s body is the “carrier” of the fetus. The mother is essentially the fetus’ “world”. As the owner of the world, for that period of time, the mother is like a “god”. What she puts in her body affects the fetus. If she does drugs during pregnancy, this will have a negative effect on the fetus. If she eats healthy and keeps stress at the minimum, this will have a direct positive effect on the fetus. Therefore, even if the DNA is not the same, it still does not take away from the fact that the mother “owns” the fetus’ “world”, and therefore, should be able to make decisions as to what she wants in the “world”. That is, unless we adopt laws that prevent the mother from making these decisions.
I leave you with the following question for my last point: Is abortion something the government should control?
Friday, January 18, 2008
Abortion, a right for Women to Choose Murder?
Claim by the Left: "Legalized abortion reduces the abuse of unwanted children"
Response: Child abuse has actually increased since abortion became legal.
He references a study from the University of Southern California where they asked the parents of abused children whether they had planned and wanted this child. 91% of the abused children were considered by the parents as "wanted" at the time of pregnancy. Therefore, the overwhelming majority of child abuse cases are NOT caused by parents being forced to raise "unwanted" children, and they "would have been better off being aborted" like the left likes to claim. The facts are there. Ask me for the references if you want, or just buy the book. :)
Claim by the Left: "It's not fair to bring unwanted children into the world."
Response: It's not fair to stick surgical scissors in a baby's skull, suck out her brains with a vacuum, dismember her and throw her away in a garbage can either.
I think that point is good enough on its own. Jackson then iterates, "And since when does an individual's unalienable right to live depend upon somebody else 'wanting' them?" And emphasizing the USC research, child abuse is NOT connected AT ALL with whether the child was wanted or not.
Also, if you take Bio 172 here at U of M, a section of the course is devoted to fertilization and conception. They emphasize that at the time that the male and female haploid cells join to form the zygote, the genetic material in that living cell is completely different than the mothers.
The only common thing among cells in a living organism is their genetic material, DNA. Therefore, the claim that a woman has a right to do with her "body" what she wants is true (scientifically her body is the conglomeration of cells all sharing the same DNA), however the little zygote fetus is NOT her body, its DNA is completely separate than her own. It's science.
Therefore, the mother is not just killing cells in her own body, but murdering a human being. It is just ignorance if you believe otherwise.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Michigan Primary Results
Democratic Primary
Candidate Votes Vote % Delegates
Clinton 328,151 55% Zero
Uncommitted 236,723 40% Zero
Kucinich 21,708 4% Zero
Dodd 3,853 1% Zero
Gravel 2,363 0% Zero
Republican Primary
Candidate Votes Vote % Delegates
Romney 337,847 39% 23
McCain 257,521 30% 6
Huckabee 139,699 16% 1
Paul 54,434 6% 0
Thompson 32,135 4% 0
Giuliani 24,706 3% 0
Uncommitted 17,971 2% 0
Hunter 2,823 0% 0
Source: ABC News.com
According to Wikipedia.com, the population of
85.3% of the population didn’t vote.
Now, I understand that a portion is people who just can’t vote, but it still calls into question: Are the people we electing truly representative of the concerns of Americans? And of the people that do vote, are they just mesmerized by “How good they would look as President” or that “They just sound so articulate!”, rather than looking at their ACTUAL VOTING RECORD?! It’s nice to know that
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Start of U of M's YAF Blog!
This will be the official University of Michigan Young American's for Freedom Blog. Stories, events, thoughts, and anything related to fighting liberal lies on U of M's campus will be discussed.
We will be keeping you informed.
Go Blue!