Thursday, February 7, 2008

Mitt Romney Drops out of Presidential Race

Mitt Romney announced today at the Conservative Political Activism Conference that he will be suspending his bid for the Presidency today.

Now only McCain, Huckabee, and Ron Paul remain. Now all we can hope for is for Paul to remain strong and be seen as a beacon of light, the only hope left for the Republican Party.

I am disappointed because I would have voted for Romney any day above McCain. Either Ron Paul or Huckabee need to seriously pull together and win this race, or the Republican Party will surely be pulled apart. Unquestionably McCain is the most liberal of any of the past and present nominees. If McCain wins, the only choice America will have in this race is "which liberal should I vote for?" Then, we know the conservative movement has failed, and the left-wingers have truly infiltrated and destroyed our party.

Honestly Romney, you are still a conservative!...

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